
How to Keep Your Wood Deck Looking New

HandyDeck Articles

The first wall of protection to incorporate is deck coating. Your backyard wooden deck may have come protected or was sprayed when it was installed, but it needs to be coated on a regular basis if you want it to stay looking new for years to come. Use a high quality decking oil to slow down the greying process that wood naturally goes through. Choose an oil that has transparent oxides in it and that features a high solids content for the best results.



Via Modernize
Make Use of Rugs
Consider covering up some of your deck’s surface with outdoor rugs designed to hold up to hot, cold, and rainy weather. This not only protects the deck and keeps it in like-new condition, but it gives the space a homey feel that makes it more comfortable to enjoy when it’s especially cold outside. Outdoor rugs can make your wooden deck feel more like a home extension that a separate outdoor area. If you want to keep things natural, use rugs that look like grass, sand, or pebbles. For an indoor look and feel, go for rugs that are made of synthetic materials such as polypropylene, acrylic, or nylon.
Plan for Harsh Weather

Planning for harsh weather will ensure that you can enjoy your outdoor wooden deck year-round, rain or shine. One great way to keep the space cozy in harsh weather is to build a canopy over it. Simply set up a metal canopy that comes with a vinyl top, or build the base out of wood and use shingles, stained glass, or corrugated roofing to top it off.

You can also screen in the wooden deck to keep strong winds and rain from infiltrating the space. If you want to keep bright sunshine out of the space, hang bamboo mats along the edges of your canopy so they hang like walls and can be rolled up when they aren’t needed.



Via Modernize

These tips and tricks should help you get the most out of your outdoor space and ensure that your wooden deck stays looking sparkling new indefinitely.